Vitamin-fortified safe edible oil must be ensured for all

Siraji M R Mostak, Dhaka: International Crime Tribunal located in Bangladesh accused only citizens of this country for crimes committed in 1971. Some sentences been executed. Judges of this country conducted the tribunal. The tribunal is attributed by word `international’, so its trial has been recognized worldwide. It has been obvious that in the context of 1971, Pakistanis are not criminals. To accuse them is referred to contempt of International Crimes Tribunal. So Bangladesh elevated to anti-humanitarian criminal’s country.
The concerned people in the judiciary have made this demotion. The judges judged with deep emotion and support for the Pak armies. The judges did not take the witness of killings, rape and war crimes by Pak armies. They accused only citizens of Bangladesh for their helpless activities under control of Pak armies. They took those activities as anti-humanitarian crimes. In their view, the Pak army did not commit any crimes from March 25 to December 16, 1971; all assassins were done by Bangladeshi collaborators like Razakars, Al-Badar and Ashshams. These Bangladeshi citizens could kill 3 million Bangalis and captured the honor of 2 lac mothers and sisters. All the accused convicted in the tribunal are supposed to involved in numerous crimes including murder, rape and crimes against humanity. For example, Delwar Hossain Sayedee alone made more than thousand murders and raped women. Few of the countless criminals have been judged. Since the crime of the Pak army was not proved in the Tribunal, so how many Bengalis were involved in the crimes is uncertain. This number might be more than the 3 million martyrs that declared by the Father of the Bengali Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib. Apart the existing 2 lakh listed freedom fighters, most of the Bengali people could be involved in crimes against humanity. For this reason, the three million martyred relatives no existence in Bangladesh. So, without these 2 lac listed freedom fighters, there is no scope for anyone of the country to think innocent. Not even the judges. The vivid trial of the tribunal cleared that, Bangladeshis instead of Pakistanis have become descendants of anti-humanities criminals.
In this case the defendant’s lawyers are not also free. They tried to convict the defendants but did not demand the trial of the main criminals such as Pak armies. They did not argue, as the tribunal is endowed with international word, it is possible here to judge the killer Pak armies. They did not say that the accused were under war, helpless and obliged by Pak armies. This trial without trial of Pak armies is completely wrong.
However, those who have elevated Bangladesh to anti-humanitarian criminal’s country, are obviously the descendants of notorious treacherous Mir jafar. The generation of 16 crore citizens of the country are carrying responsibilities for their misdeeds. At present, while a Bangladeshi citizen goes abroad, he is initially suspected of being descendant of anti-humanitarian criminals. That is not the case for Pakistanis. The Worldwide peoples give emphasis on international tribunal’s verdict than any historical fact. As the verdict has been done by the judges of Bangladesh, there is no doubt about it.
Therefore, all of us will have to adopt the ideology of Bangabandhu to free Bangladesh from the disgrace of crimes against humanity. The trial of the Pak army must be executed. Bangabandhu released the convicted 195 war criminals to bring back the Bengali refugees in Pakistan. After it, he had abolished the contemporary trial in the country under the provisions of collaborators. He destroyed all documents of trials. He made it clear that the Bengali warriors of my country are not worse criminals than killer Pak armies. So this trial is never be applicable. But after 40 years, only Bangladeshis are accused again in this trial. This is clear opposition of Bangabandhu’s words and ideals.
Chairman of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh arrived in Rangamati