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Saturday ● 4 November 2023

Election Environment Does NOT Exist in the Country Currently : Jui Chakma

--- Rangamati :: Today 3rd November 2023 Friday at 4 pm, on behalf of Biplobi Workers’ Party Rangamati hill district committee and Gonotontro Moncho’s temporary office in Rangamati General Hospital area, Jui Chakma addressed a news conference. She was a candidate in the 11th National Parliament election for Rangamati-299 seat from Bangladesh Biplobi Workers’ Party, she is General Secretary of the party’s committee, considered as a ‘Biplobi’(revolutionary) lady.
In the beginning, she prayed for the peace of the souls who have been killed in a grand rally and simultaneous protests in the whole country. A police member Amirul Islam Parvez was attacked by criminals, in Gazipur for the claim of a salary raise during the protest of garment labourers Md. Russel Howladar by a gunshot by police, and journalist Rafiq Bhuiyan while collecting news, all of them were killed. Her party also mourned such deaths.
Jui Chakma has expressed her concerns on behalf of Bangladesh Biplobi Workers’ Party and Gonotontro Moncho regarding the attacks on journalists who were there to cover news; the attack in the house of the respected Chief of Justice Obaydul Hasan, the attack in Rajarbag Central Police Hospital and also burning down an ambulance, attack in the grand rally of BNP, vandalising and burning here and there. She claimed instance arrests of those criminals who did such activities by ensuing unbiased investigations.
She said, “I want to tell my dear people of Rangamati and the whole country through media that our country is going through an extremely tough time. The protests against the Awami fascist has already been converted into a grand revolution. This has created a pathway for this huge protest. Because the current government is unable to run the country. The country is facing anarchy due to their weak and illegal way of being in the power. Awami League is using their power in absolute illegal ways which in tern has resulted in enormous pain and discomfort to the public. They haven’t kept their promise to the people. They’ve taken away the right of food and voting; livelihoods are in the realm of extreme danger now. The government is feeding the syndicates of the market and fuelling price hikes. During this inferior and brutal governments rule, except its leaders and ministers nobody is well. They are leading the country to become a bankrupt nation. Public’s anger, protests, distrust and hatred is now at its peak for this government. Situations has become absolutely intolerable. The people wants this government to step down without any further due”.
She added, “It can be seen that this fascist illegal government is planning for the blueprint of the same purely corrupted elections as 2014 and in 2018, a repetition. The target is to put on the seal of election upon their nasty anarchy and illegal stay in the power by the misuse of it. But the people of Bangladesh will not play the game called election this time! Nobody will be allowed to play with the fortune of the people and destroy the peace of the whole nation”.
In such a situation, the people of the whole country and the opposition parties has come together to goodbye this illegal government in order to re-establish the nation, a wise government and the constitution for the sake of the nation and its people. And these protests has gained enormous public support and believe. This time the protest is not only to kick out this fascist government, but also to create a strong change against extreme dictatorship and an oppressive system.
The protests are now not too far to gain the win despite of the provokes and aggressiveness of this government. They are in fear of losing power and this fear has led them to harass, arrest and hijack the opponents consistently. In doing these so, they are creating a situation where Bangladesh could be in a situation of civil war and ridiculous fights spreading to the whole nation and burning national assets. People can no more accept this and no foreign power could set us free of this situation. Its only us who can play the role of being the saviour. This fight is for human rights, and must be won by the people of this nation.
New strategies are being taken by the government to erase BNP and any party that is a threat to them, even on 28th October’s grand rally, the ruling party was the one who created crimes to make the rally go unsuccessful, rumours and proofs are there. There is no environment of a fair and peaceful election in the country now.

Gonotontro Moncho has warned all the opposition members and the public to stay strong and not to be provoked unnecessarily by this illegal government.

Jui Chakma also mentioned that, “We are strongly against the arrests and illegal harassments that has been done to the BNP and similar opposition members in Rangamati. The day after 28th grand rally in Dhaka while some members of BNP were returning back to Rangamati were arrested without warrants at the Manikchodi check point, we claim their release without any due. The police should show their professional approach regarding the irrelevant arrests of the oppositions and to stop their oppression by searching at the homes of the oppositions. We request our respected District Commissioner and the local regulatory authority to make an afford to stop such activities.
On the 5th and 6th November 2023 in the upcoming strike of 48 hours, Jui, the Grubber marked candidate in the Rangamati-299 seat of 11th National Parliament Election, invites the people of democratic mind-set to come together and join hand in hands to make this two day strike successful with peace and tranquillity.

Abdul Hashem, the chairman of Bangladesh Biplobi Workers’ Party Rangamati Hill district committee, Sadar sub-district’s Arunjita Chakma, municipal committee’s mayor candidate Md. Abdul Rana and Bangladesh Landless Solidarity’s Nargis Aktar and others were also present at the briefing.

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