baghaichari correspondent :: Road communication between the Khagrhachharhi and the road in Sajek’s has been closed due to heavy rain and flooding of the hills. for this reason over 200 tourists has been trapped in sajek. Due to road closure,...

Mykel das, Ranguniya correspondent :: The security wall collapsed in the intense currents of the waters of the Ichakhali canal from South Ghatcheck of Rangunia municipality.The 9 houses on the banks of the canal collapsed in the water.Hundreds of families...

Staff reporter :: Shobha Tripura in the Rangamati hill district showed rare instances of the love of people and birds.It is a natural relationship between human and in nature.
Shobha Tripura said, where the most crowded of people in the main gate, the...

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said “no vehicle will have a red light” from 1 May, and “there will no exceptions”.
Under the new rule, only emergency vehicles, ambulances, fire engines and police cars can use flashing blue lights.

Jhenaidaha correspondent :: The Department of Environment raided five brick kiln After breaking again has been reopened within a day.
Chimneys are illegal barrels (drums), all of the owners of these brick kiln are continuing decline in violation of the...